This Is What Wealth Looks Like

Read these amazing success stories from Sacred Money Archetype members.  If they can do it, so can you!


Having permission helps to take the next step

"Before SMA, I knew that I was shying away from the spotlight and was looking for the push to step back into my authentic self.  SMA gave me more clarity around my inner workings and gave me permission to lean into my Celebrity."

Registered Psychologist, Australia

Archetype: Celebrity/Maverick

I have the power to create wealth, 

"My biggest “aha” has been that I am an Accumulator and that is why I always feel stressed about money. I am working on believing that there is always enough money. I have the power to always create wealth, no matter what happens.  SMA has helped me to understand myself so much better. I’ve been able to put boundaries in place around my time and taking weekends off and taking care of myself. I’m also no longer discounting ANYTHING! My prices are my prices."

Kajabi Coach & Specialist, South Africa

Archetype: Accumulator

It's motivated me to keep moving foward

"SMA was so eye opening about my own drive towards money. It showed me how far I’ve come and the road that is still ahead. It has motivated me to keep going, because I know I already have everything inside of me that I need. Thanks Denise!"

Money Coach, Germany

Archetype: Maverick

It's shone a light on my unique gifts

"It has helped me realise that I can run my business the way I want to. Being equal parts Nurturer & Ruler, I often have a tug-of-war within myself about how I can best help people.  This course has shone a light on all of those gifts that I have and it was so fun to go through.  The support throughout the course was fantastic!"

Life Coach, Canada

Archetype: Nurturer/Ruler

SMA gives you guidance & understanding 

"SMA provided me with an understanding of me ... and an undertstanding of those around me. When you understand how someone looks at something and does what they do, you understand how to communicate with them, in their language.  I also love the amazing community of fabulous, edifying women!"

Software & Cloud Consultant, Australia

Archetype: Romantic

Denise is always inspirational and thought provoking

"SMA is a fun and revealing way of further improving your money mindset and business. Since completing the course, I have been able to discard the projects that were creating more trouble than income. Strangely, this allowed me to have more fun, accepting who I am. Denise is always inspirational and thought provoking, as well as offering practical results.|

Seeing With Stars Astrology, Australia

Archetype: Maverick

It’s such a different way to explore personal development and going for big goals

"Since SMA, I have developed a better relationship with myself, because I stopped trying to change myself. On a more practical level, the clients I attract are far more of a balanced mix of the four archetypes I want to play with, which makes my work far more joyful and it’s far more beneficial for my clients too!!"

Business Mentor, Australia

Archetype: Romantic, Connector, Nurturer

It helps me play to my strengths!

"Now that I know what my strengths are, I only speak to the people that I'm here to serve. I play to my strengths, and I let other people play to their strengths. It's such a game changer because it creates so much space in my life, in my heart."

Holistic Sex, Intimacy & Relationship Facilitator, NZ | Read More

Archetype: Romantic, Alchemist & Connector

I'm now making over 6 figures thanks to Denise and her amazing energy

"My biggest "aha" was realizing that as an Accumulator I am not “greedy” or “stingy” with money.  I now understand this is just a part of who I am and have learnt how to embrace that part of me instead of feeling shameful. I can’t praise SMA enough. I would never have been able to make over 6 figures without Denise and her amazing energy."

Photographer, USA

Archetype: Accumulator, Maverick, Ruler

“It was such a huge relief to realize I don’t have to work all the time.”

Business Mentor, UK | Read More

Archetype: Accumulator

“A shift I made was to stop assuming everyone wants the rock bottom price.”

Illustrator, UK | Read More

Archetype: Accumulator

“Sacred Money Archetypes® helped me play to my strengths”

Holistic Sex, Intimacy & Relationship Facilitator, NZ | Read More

Archetype: Romantic, Alchemist, Connector

“It's fantastic because you can open up new channels of success and abundance.”

Change Leadership & Confidence Expert, Australia | Read More

Archetype: Accumulator

I had my first £10k month – the more I relax, the more money I make!

"Being a Celebrity was no great surprise. I felt like finally, I get to own it and have really beautiful things. I work in show business. Knowing my archetype validated my experience on planet earth, as a performer.

I've positioned myself in a place where I don't have to work very much. My Celebrity archetype knows that I need to have a hotel with really good pillows. To do a good job I need a comfortable, easy ride - I'm done with hustling.

I’ve realized that the more I relax, the more money I make. I had my first 10K month last year. Since SMA, I start my mornings with health. I get up at half six and I’m straight in the hot tub where I meditate. My million dollar hot tub! I get my best ideas in there.

Music Agency Director, UK | Read More

Archetype: Celebrity


Leverage your strengths to make

 More Money

with more ease.

I now feel confident in putting myself out there as I am.

"I loved the SMA course as it changed me from being my old corporate self to putting myself out there in my marketing. This has given me the opportunity to connect to the women I want in my world."

The Relaxation Lounge, Canada

Archetype: Nurturer, Connector ,Alchemist

SMA is a Game Changer!

"This has been a game changer for me! Can’t wait to move forward with my business and my new understanding of myself!"

Bigger Than Space 2, Australia

Archetype: Connector

If you've ever been told that you're bossy, this is the place for you

"I found that the best thing about SMA was how to put together a strategy, because when you've got ideas going here, there, and everywhere, you need discernment. You need to be able to get a plan behind that to make it actionable, and SMA helps you to do that step by step."

Meditative Counsellor, UK

Archetype: Nurturer

It really gives you the tools to work with yourself and trust that you really can do anything.

"I've loved the SMA course, it's been so good. It has revealed so much about what I have to work on. It’s helped me to see what is going on inside my head and to not let those shadow thoughts get in the way. It really has helped with my relationship with my fiance too, because now I know he's a Romantic and it's so much easier to deal with things together now."

Veterinarin, Finland | Read More

Archetype: Ruler

... a way to understand yourself & your business

“If you are looking for a way to understand yourself, your business, how you operate with others, communicate, connect, this would be the place for you to be.”

Speaker, Author & Coach, USA  | Read More

Archetype: Celebrity/Romantic

I started attracting everything once I embraced my archetype!

"I changed my entire business to work with my archetype. Before I did SMA, my Celebrity was hiding. Now I feel like I don't have to hold back. I want to show up more. I want to shine. I buy clothes other than black. For anybody that's considering SMA, know that your archetype could be hiding. Trauma and environment and relationships were some of the things that caused me to suppress my Celebrity."

Shine Coach & Author, USA | Read More

Archetype: Celebrity

Finally, I have permission to be myself!

"Since doing the SMA course, I finally feel like I can be myself - I have permission. When I’m in my Celebrity I have the most energy and I feel the happiest. The course was eye opening for me and it really helped me find myself and I feel so much better being me now."

Independent Scentsy Star Director, USA | Read More

Archetype: Celebrity

It's okay to do things that suit my personality and still be successful  

"SMA really helped me understand how I work and how to utilise my unique skills to make better business decisions and actually better life decisions.   I became more focused on attracting my ideal clients, I raised my prices, and I started writing my course my way."

Makeup Artist, Australia

Archetype: Ruler, Romantic, Accumulator

“It helped me understand myself and how I wanted to run my business.”

Ceramics Artist, UK | Read More

Archetype: Alchemist

“When I'm being my Celebrity personality, I have the most energy and feel the happiest.”

Independent Scentsy Consultant, USA | Read More

Archetype: Celebrity

“I love the Empowering Words; it's like candy to sprinkle through your copy.”

Mind Body Integrative Mentor, UK

Archetype: Connector

"I love SMA and it is has been so powerful to understand the choices I have made in the past. Knowing my archetype helps me accept those choices and move on with forgiveness for myself."

HR Mentor, UK

Archetype: Nurturer

It helps understand yourself and your relationships

"It's a must have! It helps you to understand yourself and your relationships (with money and with the people)"

Web Developer, Mexico

Archetype: Nurturer

I’m here to change the world!

"SMA has been a permission slip not to finish everything. I've got so many ideas and it’s taken me years to get to where I am now. As an Alchemist I realized I'm here to change the world. I’m now owning my space and I feel at peace."

Life Happiness Consultant, Hong Kong | Read More

Archetype: Alchemist/Connector

SMA helped me take my business to the next level

"Finding out about my Connector money personality was such a revelation. I could suddenly see my old, unhealthy money patterns and access blocks I just couldn’t see before. Within 24 hours I found myself spontaneously clearing out a huge amount of scarcity consciousness that was keeping me playing smaller than I needed to be. This is exactly the work I was looking for to help me take my business to the next level."

Visibility Coach, Australia

Archetype: Connector

SMA has changed my life!

"I gained so much clarity with this course in such a short space of time. It's quite unbelievable that doing this course has given me the idea for a business that I actually want to get up every morning and do something in, and one which I would consider leaving medicine for. This is a huge milestone for me, and one that I would never have got to if it wasn't for this course. I needed the permission, the encouragement, and the "behind the scenes" reality to gain the courage to get going! This course has pretty much changed my life!"

Money Coach, UK

Archetype: Maverick

I finally understand the origin of my money drama!

"Loved the course! I FINALLY understand the origin of money drama...and my husband's. It's stopped me from spending spending spending...mostly money on course after course. I'm unsubscribing from all of the gurus and sticking with the few who have really helped me and Denise is at the top of my list. SMA is a life-changer!! owner or employee...who has an issue with money should dive in!"

Life Coach, US

Archetype: Nurturer

This course is fun and enlightening!

"No matter where you are in your business journey, Sacred Money Archetypes Thomas is guaranteed to help you succeed even more. I have been able to realize and stay in my zones of genius now that I better understand what they are. I can leverage my weaknesses by connecting with individuals who embody the Archetypes that are not my strong suits."

Online Health Coach, USA

Archetype: Connector

“I loved the Sacred Money Archetypes course; it's been so good.”

Veterinary Business Owner & Coach, Finland | Read More

Archetype: Ruler

“It's really taught me to slow down and to listen more.”

Digital Marketer & Funnel Architect, USA | Read More

Archetype: Maverick

“It's easy and straightforward ... took so much burden off me as an Alchemist.”

The Life Happiness Consultant, Hong Kong | Read More

Archetype: Alchemist

"I loved the idea of understanding my particular archetype with money. I love, love personality and archetype profiling because distinctions help us understand particulars that we are unable to identify before they are laid out before us. This was the case for me. It also helps to understand why my particular boldness and courage is attractive to others, while also being difficult for them to actually do. I love Denise's groundedness as an individual and her brilliant business mind. She is an excellent teacher and is gifted with insight. It was an honor to get to know her through this program. Thank you!"

Business Coach, US

Archetype: Maverick


Leverage your strengths to make

 More Money

with more ease.

SMA helped me understand my business blocks

"It was eye opening to understand where my self-sabotage is coming from and that there are gifts that can be brought to light from those parts of my personality as a Romantic, Celebrity, Maverick. SMA has helped me understand my business blocks. I'm thinking about how I can emphasize my primary archetypes and sprinkle in the others. I believe it's my time and I'm ready for the next step."

Body Compassion & Movement Mentor, US

Archetype: Romantic

SMA has opened my eyes to my money mindset

"I absolutely loved this course! It was amazing to learn more about my specific tendencies around money, how to embrace the ones that serve me and how to work with the money tendencies that don't. It has opened my eyes to my personal money mindset and helped me let go of any shame and guilt around my money mindset because I now know that it is simply a part of my personal money tendencies. Instead of using my limited energy and shaming myself or questioning my money mindset, I can now accept it, embrace it and learn to use it to my advantage."

Coach, US

Archetype: Ruler

I don't have to over give

"I will say it really gives you an insight. It gives you an insight into yourself already. You personally, and the people around you. And you start to realize that, oh my gosh, like I can't move forward if I don't have this knowledge."

Mindset Coach, UK | Read More

Archetype: Nurturer

I've been able to step into the strengths of my archetype

"I wasn't the least bit surprised that the quiz revealed I'm a Nurturer; however, what I found extremely surprising was how much power I could actually cultivate if I owed that archetype. I had a perception that being a nurturer was soft, gentle… maybe a bit of a pushover. Moving through the course I was able to step into the strengths of my archetype recognize how much it could serve me in my career."

Entrepreneur, US

Archetype: Nurturer

I've been able to grow my business

"SMA very validating for me.  It's accepting the traits that I have and that they're okay. It's okay to be this way. It's okay to want things to be easier and to work to my strengths and that, even though there are some weaknesses in there, there's also a lot of strengths."

Success Coach, Australia | Read More

Archetype: Romantic

“I realized that if I wanted to grow my business, I had to change.”

Success Coach for Women, USA | Read More

Archetype: Accumulator

“It's a great program for anyone who wants to build a business on their own terms.”

Speaker, Educator, Mindset, Business & Neuroscience Coach | Sweden | Read More

Archetype: Maverick

"Sacred Money Archetypes  is the secret that I didn't know I needed.”

Life Coach for People Pleasers | USA | Read More

Archetype: Romantic

“It shifted the balance for me that I can still nurture people. I can still take care of people. I can still do all of that but do it in a way where I know that my cup is filled.”

Life Coach, UK | Read More

Archetype: Nurturer

I no longer work weekends &  increased my fees!

"It was interesting finding out I was Accumulator and realizing actually I'm quite good at numbers and quite frugal with it. Numbers, detail and caution are part of my personality. Since discovering SMA, I've moved to a coach consultant model, which has enabled me to massively increase my fees. And also, I've got happier clients. I've streamlined everything so I'm focusing on one target market and two main services. I've stopped working weekends and evenings."

Business Mentor, UK | Read More

Archetype: Accumulator

I’ve increased my income by 10x!

"When I found out Accumulator was in my top three, so many things from my life made sense. I find it's really easy to invest in my business because I know it’ll come back to me tenfold. I’ve recently upped my rates and I've made 10 times more than usual. More people are hiring me; I’m more in demand. I feel really happy in my business, I feel valued, and well rewarded financially. When I joined SMA, there were so many reassuring touch points.

Illustrator, UK | Read More

Archetype: Accumulator

I can now flow with my money archetype rather than against it

"It's fantastic because you can really start to understand other people, what their archetypes might be and potentially open up new channels of success and abundance for yourself."

Change Leadership & Confidence Expert, Australia | Read More

Archetype: Accumulator

I learnt what I need to feel safe.

"Through SMA I realized what makes me feel safe. But I also learnt that if I hoard money, I’m not allowing the abundance to flow. I completely shifted my business model and became a consultant. It’s more enriching for my clients. I think this is why SMA is so magnificent because you learn about your unique strengths and weaknesses. It's up to you to apply to your own life and business."

Wellness Engineer, USA | Read More

Archetype: Accumulator

Finally, I had a permission slip to be me!

"I remember very clearly watching that first video - I cried. Up to that point, I had run my business from my Accumulator side. You gave me this permission slip. I remember taking it to my partner and saying to her, "Just watch this, it's me." It was so special to hear that not in a spiritual setting but in a business setting. That's been the strongest thing for me through doing SMA as an alchemist."

Behaviour & Education Specialist, Keynote Speaker & Author, UK  | Read More

Archetype: Alchemist

“Once I embraced the Celebrity in me ... all sorts of lightbulbs went off.”

Shine Coach, USA | Read More

Archetype: Celebrity

“It's helped me to embrace all of me; all the different parts of me.”

Business & Money Coach, Australia | Read More

Archetype: Connector

“It's that container to create our self-care and our own safety net.”

Spiritual Empowerment Coach & International Bestselling Author, UK | Read More

Archetype: Nurturer

It totally transformed my business, but it also totally transformed my relationships with my children

"We all have these patterns that we are not aware of that are very active within us and are running our lives and we don't even know it. And the moment you see it you can make change. For me as a ruler, I made a lot of changes. It totally transformed my business, but it also totally transformed my relationships with my children even.

I started setting goals around the kind of family, the kind of energy I wanted my family to have and my children to have. It's like, my life is way richer for seeing both my strengths and my shadows and being able to be intentional, and still sometimes my shadows sneak up and do what they do. But it's rare that I'm totally blindsided.

I make really different decisions than I made before the program. And it really kicked off like a cascade of self-discovery work for me that actually continues. So, I'm a big fan of this for business, but also for your life.

Author & CEO, US | Read More

Archetype: Ruler

I’ve reached a point where I have more money than I know what to do with!

"It was really emotional discovering my archetype because up to that point, everything in my life was economy. I’d never really realized I was living that way. Having that awareness has allowed me to be much more free with my money and really take better care of myself. Just that awareness really just helped me see that there are other ways to live."

Social Coach for Neurodivergent Kids, USA  | Read More

Archetype: Accumulator

It helped me birth a whole new business!

"Finding out that I'm a connector really made me appreciate the unique qualities that I have. It was also useful to have the pitfalls spelt out so clearly. It was interesting for me to just notice how I've been hiding under the desk, not looking at my money things, and kind of leaning on other people very lightly, but for basically all my life, never being totally independent. "

Holistic Vision Teacher & Visual Educator, Spain | Read More

Archetype: Connector

I get to do things my way and make them fun

"I absolutely love SMA and everything that I learned from it. I'm always a bit skeptical about personality sort of quizzes and yet I was astounded with the results. They explained why I spent 10 years trying to build my business and not doing very well at it, because everyone was telling me that I had to do it in a certain way and I had to follow the formula and do the process. And now I get to do it my way and make it fun, simple and practical."

Manifesting Coach, UK | Read More

Archetype: Maverick

It gives you permission

"It has really helped me to find the people that I need to fill the gaps in my business. For example, I need more accumulators in my life and I need a ruler because my Ruler's really small. She's in there, but she's overshadowed a lot by the Nurturer. So, I need those people. I would say for me, that's definitely what SMA has brought in. And I constantly go back to it. There's just so much that you can keep revisiting it."

Realtor & Hairdresser, USA | Read More

Archetype: Nurturer

SMA changed my life

“I started surrendering and even letting go of the outcome and of the money goal and just doing it for the process and enjoying it."

Money Mindset Coach for Women Entrepreneurs, Australia | Read More

Archetype: Romantic

SMA is a Game Changer!

"It's really helped me to understand my money patterns and also been great for my relationship. My husband and I are on the same wavelength now thanks to understanding our archetypes. Highly recommended! Thanks Denise for sharing this with us!"

Strategy and Alignment Coach, UK

Archetype: Maverick

“SMA opens up a lot of doors and understanding of who you are energetically.”

Lightworker, USA | Read More

Archetype: Ruler

“Doing this course is going to help you step into the true expression of who you are.”

Coach & Consultant, USA | Read More

Archetype: Ruler

“There's just so much that you can keep revisiting and implementing.”

Realtor & Hairdresser, USA | Read More

Archetype: Nurturer

I’m making more money and having fun with it all now!

"I’ve always felt kind like a rebel, but I’ve fought it. I've never been happy for a long time in jobs, three months, then I get bored. The Maverick kind of came as a permission to be just the way I am.

I’m choosing to make it more easy, having more fun with it all, and accepting the thing that I always struggled with as my superpower, that is really what came up, accepting the Maverick side.

As a child I just wanted to be liked, I wanted to be like everyone else. And I had no idea that being different could be something cool, something to be enjoyed, and to show off."

Researcher, Germany| Read More

Archetype: Ruler


Leverage your strengths to make

 More Money

with more ease.

It has revealed so many things that I want to work on

“The biggest part for me really was the balance. When I know what my Archetypes are, it lifts the veil and you can see past them and balance them out because you understand all those things that are going inside your head that may be messing with you too.”

Veterinary Business Owner & Coach, Finland | Read More

Archetype: Ruler

SMA taught me that I don't have to align with everyone else!

"I'm a Ruler with Maverick a near tie, and SMA helped me realize that how I have had to build my business around my injury is "perfect" for me. It's easy to fall into the trap of wanting to follow someone else's path, but doing SMA helped me realize that how I work is just fine and doesn't need to "align" with how everyone else seems to work."

Artirst & Designer, Canada | Read More

Archetype: Ruler

It’s helped me make smarter decisions in my life

"I’ve learnt to accept who I am and realize that it's okay not to do everything that doesn't feel good. Not all money is good money. SMA has been so eye-opening for me. What it did for me was it gave me permission... to just be okay with who I am and to be different from society. If you need permission, I give you permission to invest in SMA."

Digital Marketer & Funnel Architect, USA  | Read More

Archetype: Maverick

I am really leaning into my Connector abilities

"Learning my archetype, and then learning my husband’s, was so enlightening for our relationship - it explained so much. We’ve been married for 30 years and it’s helped us so much to understand this and see where we were coming from.  In my business, I am really leaning into my Connector abilities as a channel and as a guide. Having that awareness has been really enlightening."

Cosmic ReWilding Coach, USA | Read More

Archetype: Connector

It’s given me freedom to work to my strengths

"One of the first things that I read in the SMA course was that Alchemists find it easy to empower others to believe in themselves. I had never really heard that put in a business context or referred to as a primary strength. My second big aha was just because I can do something doesn't mean I should. In music, for example, I should not be producing all of my own work even though I technically know how to do audio production. It's not my area of genius and takes me forever. I now chose to work where my magic is and allowed myself to outsource the rest of it."

Life Coach, Composer & Writer, USA | Read More

Archetype: Alchemist

I’ve been doing $25,000 cash months

"I’m a rebel in my industry; I’ve always done things a little bit differently. I’ve always marched to the beat of my own drum. For me, SMA was like a deep permission - I've literally been this way forever. And now it's really up to me to embrace it and bring it into every part of my business."

Visibility & Sales Messaging and Mindset Coach, USA  | Read More

Archetype: Maverick

“When I got Maverick, it was a breath of fresh air. Somebody finally got me.”

Your Story Pathfinder, New Frontier Publisher & Bestselling Book Strategist, USA | Read More

Archetype: Maverick

“...learning about the other Archetypes and figuring out who I wanted to work with.”

HR & Recruitment, Australia | Read More

Archetype: Romantic

“It's a permission slip to be who I am in my business. It's such an eye opener.”

Business & Mindset Mentor, Ireland | Read More

Archetype: Ruler

I had a sense of I’m supposed to be here

"I work primarily with people who are raised by codependents and narcissists. That's my passion in life - helping people recover from a duality of self. I'm also an author, and a YouTuber. I am an Alchemist, Connector and Nurturer.

I just realized that I actually rely on my Connector and Nurturer for business. Hearing that people will pay for ideas was intriguing to me because now I get paid to talk to people.

The truth is that people have hired me all along for my ideas. I’ve saved the Alchemist part for my own personal life up until now. I only sign up for things that I ask for vibrationally and then they come into my field. It’s like dolphin sonar. For me what made me join is the sense of I’m supposed to be here."

Psychotherapist, Author & Somatic Embodiment Coach, USA | Read More

Archetype: Alchemist

I earned double what I’ve ever earned before

"I really enjoyed the course. I’ve taken it more than once. For me the main thing was it was like an affirmation that it's okay to do things the way I do, kind of give me permission to step into those characteristics that I knew. It's the permission part of it that I think was most important, that I gained from joining this course and what I would tell other people as well."

Speaker, Author & Coach, USA | Read More

Archetype: Maverick

SMA has transformed my business life.

"I think if you're a Nurturer and you're thinking about joining SMA, one of my favorite affirmations that I received from the beautiful community that we're in is: it's safe for me to create my own safety net. And as a Nurturer we can spend so much time giving and creating so many safety nets for those around us. And for us to have that container where we create self care and our own safety net is so important."

Spiritual Empowerment Coach & Author, UK | Read More

 Archetype: Nurturer

It's a place where you can build back confidence ...

&“If you've ever been told that you're bossy, that you're too big for your boots, this is the place for you. It's a place where you can build back that confidence that's been chipped away and lean into who you are.”

Psychotherapist/Mother Wound Specialist, UK  | Read More

Archetype: Ruler

It helped me shine light on boundaries 

“The other thing SMA really helped me with, it was one of the first things that helped me shine light about boundaries, about actually saying no to people and having the grace to offend.”

Medic & Storyteller, UK | Read More

Archetype: Nurturer

Totally changed my life!

"It’s AMAAAAAZING. Totally changed my life and marriage, truly. Not to mention my bank account."

Rapid Transformational Therapy Practitioner & Business Coach, USA

Archetype: Accumulator

I love live rounds of SMA!

"I always love a live round of SMA, I get new insights every time as my business grows and changes."

Knitting Tutor, UK

Archetype: Connector

“It's a place where you can build back that confidence and lean into who you are.”

Psychotherapist/Mother Wound Specialist, UK | Read More

Archetype: Ruler

“I remember you took me seriously as a CEO making decisions in my business.”

Life Coach, Composer & Writer USA | Read More

Archetype: Alchemist

“It is such an amazing way to know yourself better and put that knowledge into action.”

Best Selling Author, Scientist & Soul Coach, Canada | Read More

Archetype: Ruler

SMA has taught me not to overthink stuff

"I help female entrepreneurs with their mindset, using hypnosis methods. This is my third business. I’ve been in business for 25 years. I'm a Maverick, Celebrity, Romantic.

I've always had this kind of rebellious kind of trait in my personality. In my business I've pivoted and done a whole lot of different things in my career. There's always been a sales and marketing selling component. Now I’m working for myself, I find sales a bit of a struggle, to be honest. I like it and I'm successful doing it, but I have to really push myself. As a child I was very shut down and very shy. But I wanted to do big things. I wanted to be a Qantas pilot at a small age.

I'm a bit of a perfectionist. But also as a Maverick, I’m learning not to overthink stuff.

Business & Mindset Mentor, Australia | Read More

Archetype: Maverick

The more I grow into myself, the more money I make!

"Owning my Celebrity unashamedly has been so empowering for my life and business. I attract my ideal clients, I’m more magnetic. When I found out I was a Celebrity, I had a 30 second shock and then I just kind of fell into my own body. Everything made sense suddenly."

Business Coach for Entrepreneurs, USA | Read More

Archetype: Celebrity

I’m working towards earning more and working less!

"I’ve learnt not to be cheap. To invest in software, especially when it saves me time and allows me to be more efficient. In the beginning, I gave all my time and energy to my business. I love the idea of being able to make more money and work less. That’s my goal. Money Bootcamp had already changed my money mindset a lot. I love and trust Denise. The money back guarantee was a deal sealer for me!"

Success Coach for Women, USA | Read More

Archetype: Accumulator

I love Sacred Money Archetypes!

"I love Sacred Money Archetypes! It really gave me a base to jump from in my personal life and it allowed me to see both my grandmother and mother in new lights, breaking some of those deep held family beliefs and stories."


Archetype: Celebrity

I find it so helpful and playful! 

“SMA has been so helpful for rethinking how one does business and how one can attract more of that client energy that we want to foresee in our world. I find it just so playful too, so helpful and playful.”

Creativity Coach & Author, USA | Read More

Archetype: Nurturer

It's the secret that I didn't know that I needed

"Before SMA, I would have put myself in that camp of being wrong because I'm not an accumulator and I didn't save my money, And now I realize that my life experience is valuable and it does offer value to other people just the way that I go about my life."

Life Coach for People Pleasers, USA  | Read More

Archetype: Romantic

“The course has helped me quit judging myself while embracing the good.”

Contemporary Romantic Artist, USA | Read More

Archetype: Connector

“Now I get to build my business my way and make it fun, lovely, simple & practical.”

Manifesting Coach, UK | Read More

Archetype: Maverick

“I'm really excited to use this with the new changes that I'm making in my business.”

Speaker, Author & Coach, USA | Read More

Archetype: Celebrity/Romantic

I've sold over £3 million worth of training!

"I'm a Maverick, Romantic, Ruler. I run a couple of masterminds. I’ve sold over three million pounds worth of training just on creating leads from LinkedIn.

I've always done things differently from everyone else. When I found entrepreneurship, it felt like magic. Buying into Money Bootcamp was the scariest thing I've ever done. I put it on a credit card. Inside, it stopped my Maverick in its tracks, because at the time I paid $1,500 to get in, and there were 2000 people in the group. I remember doing the maths, and thinking, if I just sell one thing and I just create a million different ways to sell the same thing...

I think that life's a game to play, you might as well play it full out while you're here. For me, entrepreneurship, as a Maverick, has been a gift from God, because it allows me to have fun with it, the ups, the downs, the wins, the losses, the drama of it. I have stayed doing the same thing for five years, which I'm quite proud of.

I love to look at my money, track my money, and enjoy my money, so it's all part of it."

LinkedIn Coach, UK | Read More

Archetype: Maverick


Leverage your strengths to make

 More Money

with more ease.

It gave me permission to run my business in my own way

“I really got a lot out of SMA. I think it really helped me to understand myself and how I wanted to run my business. It gave me permission to run my business in my own way.”

Ceramics Artist, UK | Read More

Archetype: Alchemist

This course is amazing; it’s helped me create consistency in my business

"There's two big things which I have taken from SMA. The first is empowering words. When you know who you're talking to, when you know who you want to bring into your world, having lists of all those amazing empowering words, it's like ALL the candy to sprinkle through your copy. The second thing is understanding that I am very much the Alchemist, and that I have zero follow through. Now I just get to build my business and I don't have to worry about that."

Mind Body Integrative Mentor, UK 

Archetype: Connector

I realized that I don't need to work hard to be successful

"I help people take back their power over their time, energy, and to-do lists. I’m Maverick, Ruler Alchemist. When I did the test for the first time it made me feel so safe. It's safe to be who I am. It explained so many things in my life and in my business."

Speaker, Educator & Coach | Read More

Archetype: Maverick

SMA was kind of like a permission slip to be myself

“It gave me permission to move into things like courses, one-on-one sessions and texting sessions with people. It lights me up, so that I'm actually better at what I'm doing.”

Healer, USA | Read More

Archetype: Romantic

It is basically permission to be yourself that you didn't even realize you were waiting for

"SMA is just such a fantastic place to step into and explore all of those parts of yourself that you thought were not so great. You might have thought that they were bugs in your system that you needed to fix but really they’re your gifts. It’s amazing what you can accomplish when you lean into your gifts, and work through all of your self sabotages."

Author, Scientist & Soul Coach, Canada  | Read More

Archetype: Ruler

You can be who you are and make money

"I felt so accepted in the course and that who I am is okay. You really reinforced that you don’t have to do this perfectly, you can show up to a call without having fully read everything or completed all of the exercises. I now realize that I can do things my way and be the kind of rich woman that I want to be."

Artist & Designer, USA | Read More

Archetype: Accumulator

“Finding out  I'm a Connector really made me appreciate the qualities I have.”

Holistic Vision Teacher & Visual Educator, Spain | Read More

Archetype: Connector

“It helps me to see where I might be sabotaging myself or what I get to look out for.”

Life Coach & Life Engineer, USA | Read More

Archetype: Maverick

“One thing that I absolutely love about SMA is how personalized it is.”

Owner of Effortlessly Eclectic, USA  | Read More

Archetype: Romantic

I finally felt like someone got me!

"I call myself your story Pathfinder. I have a way of helping you tap into your message, and how you want to bring it out to the world.

I’m a Maverick, Ruler, Celebrity. Learning that, I suddenly had this realization about why I do what I do, why I'm successful in business, and the areas that I was totally not successful or a little shaky.

It was this breath of fresh air. Somebody finally got me, somebody finally understood my ability to go, you know what? I don't have the money, but I think I'm going to go ahead and invest in this thing and I'm going to make it okay. There was a great level of permission and understanding that I jump and then look later.

Ever since I was little, I had been accused by my parents of wanting to have my cake and eat it too. Why wouldn't you want to eat it? If you just look at it goes stale. Of course, I can take these opportunities and I can spin them into something magnificent.

Getting those quiz results, I didn't need to take it twice. I knew it was spot on. That described me to an absolute tee."

Your Story Pathfinder, New Frontier Publisher & Best Selling Book Strategist, USS | Read More

Archetype: Maverick

I’m a better coach and I have a better relationship with money

"It's helped me embrace all of me, all the different parts of me, because up until discovering SMA, I was thinking more along the lines of being a Libra, but not really resonating with horoscopes because they’re so one-dimensional. Understanding my connector traits, and the other underlying ones, I feel like I’ve got the whole package. It’s helped me grow as a person, improve my relationship with my family."

Business & Money Coach, Australia | Read More

Archetype: Connector

I’ve learnt so much about myself and how to avoid sabotage!

"I've listened to SMA three or four times. I really love going back and revisiting because there's always a new nugget I pick up about myself. It really helps me to either see where I might be sabotaging myself or what I get to look out for."

Life Coach & Life Engineer, USA | Read More

Archetype: Maverick

The most powerful lesson was to quit judging myself!

"What I realized through the course was that bringing people on board that would help me was vital. The more comfortable I get with money, the more I empower myself. I can't do it all, and getting a bookkeeper to help me was really big. There's someone out there for everybody. It's actually very pragmatic how it's helped me because I am a romantic too. I like to shop. Now I budget, I can shop all the time using a fixed amount of money."

Contemporary Romantic Artist, USA | Read More

Archetype: Connector


“Doing this course is going to help you really step into the true expression of who you are and why you are on the planet to do what you're doing.”

Coach & Consultant, USA | Read More

Archetype: Ruler

It gave me permission to be myself and do what I want to do

"It really helped me. It helped put everything into place. It encapsulated everything about me. It’s given me permission to be myself."

HR & Recruitment, Australia  | Read More

Archetype: Romantic

“I've learned to go with the flow and I'm being a little more authentic.”

Mindset Coach, UK | Read More

Archetype: Nurturer

“For me as a Ruler, it has totally transformed my business.”

Author & CEO, USA  | Read More

Archetype: Ruler

“It shifted the balance for me that I can still nurture people ... in a way that my cup is filled.”

The Sweet Life Coach at La Dolce Vita, UK 

Archetype: Nurturer

It's going to make everything feel so much easier

"SMA is going to open up a lot of doors and understanding who you are energetically and how you can align to that within your business, within your relationships, within your home is going to change things. It's going to make everything feel so much easier."

Lightworker, USA | Read More

Archetype: Ruler

It's helped me see my value ...

"Sacred Money Archetypes® helped me see my value, stand in my truth and recognize the gifts of being a Nurturer."

Life Coach, Canada | Read More

Archetype: Nurturer

I learnt  how I could really harness using my innate ability to deliver really great value

"One of the things I really loved the most about SMA was learning to understand the challenges and the gifts, and how I could leverage those gifts."

Manifestation Coach, Italy | Read More

Archetype: Nurturer

It's let me push the gas fully on my superpowers

“When I really dove into this work, I started to understand that it's good to pay attention to the money. It's good to build your empire or whatever, but my superpower is in the connection."

Actor, Speaker & Spiritual Teacher, USA | Read More

Archetype: Connector/Alchemist

When I read about the Ruler, it was so clear that's it's totally me

"It helps so much to reflect on yourself and then to choose the right business for you. Done-For-You didn't work out for me, so I'm doing coaching now."

Automation Expert, Germany  | Read More

Archetype: Ruler

“It creates grace when it comes to relationship building and being compassionate.”

Energy Coach, USA | Read More

Archetype: Nurturer/Ruler

“It helps you to reflect on yourself and then choose the right business for you.”

Automation Expert, Germany | Read More

Archetype: Ruler

“It wasn't until I acknowledged my Connector ability that things actually started to flow.”

Cosmic ReWilding Coach, USA | Read More

Archetype: Connector


Leverage your strengths to make

 More Money

with more ease.

Unlock your unique Money Archetype to achieve greater freedom, impact, and income.

You don't have to change who you are to be successful in business, but you do need to work to your strengths and do business in harmony with your personality.


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