Who is the Connector Money Archetype? The Ultimate Guide

sacred money archetypes

The Connector is the relationship builder, sometimes-counselor, cheerleader, and problem solver who freely gives away their ideas and advice but struggles to charge ANYONE because everyone they meet becomes their new best friend.

Sacred Money Archetypes®  are a way of understanding how you are in the world, especially around finances - how you think, feel, and behave with money. 

Of course, they are all about how you relate to money and wealth, but, as founder and creator of The Sacred Money Archetypes® program, and my money mentor, Kendall Summerhawk, explains, 

“The way we do money, is the way we do everything.” 

So discovering and working with these archetypes can have a profound impact on all areas of your life and business.

You can find out more about your Archetype and take the Money Archetypes Quiz here. 

There are 8 Archetypes and this is your guide to the Connector.

Connectors keep the world spinning and bring everyone together with kindness and love. 

Their faith and optimism that money will always be available keep them from worrying about money. They tell themselves it will work out, and it often does, magically at the last minute. Connectors could live off heart-shaped mung beans and probably find someone to share it with anyway. 

The Connector’s trusting nature means they can attract co-dependent or sometimes shady people who take advantage of them. But they forgive them and move on. C'est la vie!

Connectors might feel frustrated in the entrepreneurial world when they see people who don't put their heart and soul into their business as much as they do, moving ahead and making money while they struggle. 

Their ability to bring people and solutions together is the key to their business, but they resist it and worry about being inauthentic.

The Connector is you if you…
  • Connect to others and create long term relationships that can generate income.
  • Are happy when someone else is making financial decisions for you.
  • Wish you didn't have to think about making or managing money.
  • Are more likely motivated to be taken care of financially than driven to create financial independence.
  • Avoid facing your money situation, hoping it will improve on its own.
  • Can easily allow others to make you feel disempowered or inadequate about money.
  • Care more about heart to heart connections than about making money. 
  • Believe that somehow, you'll always be taken care of financially.

Each of the 8 Sacred Money Archetypes® has strengths and challenges. 

Here are the Connector’s strengths, they;
  • Are a peacemaker and mediator, seeing all sides of a situation with compassion.  
  • Quickly see the connections and interconnections between complex relationships. 
  • Are trusting, innocent, and resilient. They can fit in anywhere and find a friendly person in the room. 
  • Can easily flex their personality to match other people's energy. 
  • Freely give solutions and referrals to everyone without expectation because they care about solving their problems. 
  • Lead with kindness and inclusivity to everyone. They are often looking to help the left out or forgotten. 
  • Are a cheerleader, and always remember to acknowledge and thank people. 
  • Have an incredible memory for names, birthdays, and special occasions. They are a great, thoughtful gift giver. 
  • Have faith and optimism that everything will always work out financially. And it often does; they are an incredible money manifester. 
  • Assume the best in everyone's intentions.
The Connector’s challenges are that they;
  • Can be indecisive and sit on the fence because they don't want to take sides. 
  • Often lack financial independence and can relinquish financial details to dodgy people. 
  • Create blurred boundaries with clients, they become their BFFs, and they can't charge them anymore. 
  • Get intense FOMO and hurt feelings, sometimes feelings of being left out.  
  • Take it personally if people don't reciprocate your need for connection or acknowledgment. 
  • Feel overwhelmed by financial details and put their head in the sand, hoping it will work itself out. 
  • Secretly judge people's prices and income because they tell themselves that they care more by charging less. 
  • Attract co-dependent people and clients who don't always appreciate their over-generosity.

Click here to watch a roundtable of Connector entrepreneurs discussing their money gifts and challenges and how they've used the SMA framework to grow their businesses.

What about real, famous people? How can you tell if someone is a Connector? 

They will give little clues in their interviews, quotes, and entrepreneurial endeavors, and by watching their challenges play out in public! 

Here are some famous people I think could have Connector tendencies, check out what they have said about money:


Lizzo, singer, songwriter, and musician.

"I'm really proud of you – because life comes at you fast, and sometimes it can be so hard, but if I can make it, I know you can make it. We can make it together."

Malala Yousafzai, activist and author

"One child, one teacher, one book, one pen can change the world." 

Angelina Jolie, actress, filmmaker, and humanitarian

"Nothing would mean anything if I didn't live a life of use to others."

 Are you intrigued to find out what your Sacred Money Archetype is? Do you think you are a Connector? Click here to take the quiz or enter your details below to watch the Connector edition of the ‘Leverage Your Strengths and Make More Money’ workshop.

  Watch the “How to Leverage Your CONNECTOR Strengths and Make More Money” workshop.


"I always love a live round of SMA, I get new insights every time as my business grows and changes."
Knitting Tutor, UK
Archetype: Connector

"This has been a game changer for me! Can’t wait to move forward with my business and my new understanding of myself!"
Bigger Than Space 2, Australia
Archetype: Connector

"Finding out about my Connector money personality was such a revelation. I could suddenly see my old, unhealthy money patterns and access blocks I just couldn’t see before. Within 24 hours I found myself spontaneously clearing out a huge amount of scarcity consciousness that was keeping me playing smaller than I needed to be. This is exactly the work I was looking for to help me take my business to the next level."
Visibility Coach, Australia
Archetype: Connector

"Finding out that I'm a connector really made me appreciate the unique qualities that I have. It was also useful to have the pitfalls spelt out so clearly. It was interesting for me to just notice how I've been hiding under the desk, not looking at my money things, and kind of leaning on other people very lightly, but for basically all my life, never being totally independent. "
Holistic Vision Teacher & Visual Educator, Spain
Archetype: Connector

"Learning my archetype, and then learning my husband’s, was so enlightening for our relationship - it explained so much. We’ve been married for 30 years and it’s helped us so much to understand this and see where we were coming from.  In my business, I am really leaning into my Connector abilities as a channel and as a guide. Having that awareness has been really enlightening."
Cosmic ReWilding Coach, USA | Read More
Archetype: Connector

"There's two big things which I have taken from SMA. The first is empowering words. When you know who you're talking to, when you know who you want to bring into your world, having lists of all those amazing empowering words, it's like ALL the candy to sprinkle through your copy. The second thing is understanding that I am very much the Alchemist, and that I have zero follow through. Now I just get to build my business and I don't have to worry about that."
Mind Body Integrative Mentor, UK 
Archetype: Connector

"It's helped me embrace all of me, all the different parts of me, because up until discovering SMA, I was thinking more along the lines of being a Libra, but not really resonating with horoscopes because they’re so one-dimensional. Understanding my connector traits, and the other underlying ones, I feel like I’ve got the whole package. It’s helped me grow as a person, improve my relationship with my family."
Business & Money Coach, Australia
Archetype: Connector


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BONUS EPISODE: Dramatically improve your money mindset