The pros and cons of being the breadwinner in your family

podcast episodes
The pros and cons of being the breadwinner in your family


The pros and cons of being the breadwinner in your family

Hey there,

Now I know not everyone has kids, and not everyone's in a relationship, but I promise you'll all get something out of today's podcast episode.

I'm talking about the pros and cons of being the breadwinner of your family, and you know I'm going, to be honest about how this works in my own family.

I share about the pressure, the power, and the mistakes I've made along the way and provide a glimpse into how Mark and I navigated the expectations and pressures that come with providing for our family. 

From speaking to thousands of people about this, I know there's a lot of energy and fear around this idea of being the primary income earner.

The fears we have about being a breadwinner are often similar to those of growing or making more money or doing something different and going past our perceived limitations. 

It is important to acknowledge these fears to start moving past them, so let's dive in. 

In this episode, you will learn:

  • The pros and cons of being the breadwinner of a family
  • The fears holding us back from growing our income or earning more than our partners 
  • The real benefits of having a business and making your own money
  • How to get your family onboard with your money goals
  • An affirmation that’s changed my life  



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