Raising kids with a healthy money mindset

podcast episodes
Raising kids with a healthy money mindset


Raising kids with a healthy money mindset

Do you worry about giving the kids in your life money blocks or raising entitled rich kids?

I often get asked about how to teach kids healthy money habits. 

It's a topic that's been on my mind lately, especially as I navigate raising my own children. 

Let me tell you, even as someone who talks about money for a living, I'm not perfect when it comes to this! But I've learned some valuable lessons I want to share with you.

First things first, it's important to understand that our money mindset is shaped by both nature and nurture. 

Just like in my Money Bootcamp program, where we explore our experiences and beliefs around money, our kids are absorbing messages about money from their environment. But here's the kicker - they're also born with their own unique money personalities.

So, how do we raise kids with a healthy money mindset? It starts with us. 

Listen to today's podcast to learn: 

  • The importance of modeling a healthy relationship with work and money
  • How to talk about finances neutrally and avoid negative money language
  • Strategies for dealing with different money personalities in children
  • Balancing generosity with teaching the value of money (very topical at this time of year) 
  • The role of family values in shaping financial decisions

I share my experiences teaching delayed gratification, entitlement, and balancing wealth with ambition. 

And even if you don't have kids, you'll still learn tips about how you think and talk about money. Maybe it's time to embrace your role as the rich Auntie or cousin.  

In our family, we focus on freedom, adventure, abundance, and joy. 

When making decisions about purchases or experiences, we refer back to these values. It helps our kids understand that money is a tool to support what's truly important to us.

Perhaps the most important lesson we can teach our kids about money (and life in general) is self-love and compassion. 

I use EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) tapping with my kids, teaching them to say, "I deeply and completely love and accept myself." 

This foundation of self-acceptance can help them navigate any money challenges they might face in the future.

Try it yourself or with the kids in your life... "I deeply and completely love and accept myself."

xx Denise

P.S. If you have an older or adult child, why not gift them a copy of my money mindset book, Get Rich, Lucky B*, to help them work on their money memories and language? 

The Kindle and ebook edition is on offer this week for only $2.99 - click here to buy or Google "Get Rich, Lucky B ebook."

Get my Ultimate Guide to Pricing 

I've put all my pricing tips, strategies, and SCRIPTS together in my Ultimate Pricing Guide, you can download it for free!


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BONUS EPISODE: Dramatically improve your money mindset