Money lessons from New York 🗽

podcast episodes
Money lessons from New York 🗽


Money lessons from New York

I recently got home from an AMAZING trip to New York, and I was surprised by how many money lessons I picked up! 

This was an unusual trip because, at least initially, it wasn't work-related. It felt hard to let myself relax and do something purely for fun. 

As you may know, I love musicals and Broadway (and have invested in a few), so I went to NY for BroadwayCon. 

The Ruler in me did add two VIP days to pay for the trip, but it was honestly such a chilled, and inspiring trip. 

So the first lesson straight away was that it's okay for me to do things just for me and just for joy - this is definitely something I want to lean into next year. 

When did you last do something just for the fun of it? 

Listen to this podcast episode for more on:

  • Why we feel the need to justify doing anything non-work related
  • Marketing lessons from business class travel that you can apply
  • Ideas for charging more for convenience or speed
  • How to maximize your investment in a photo shoot
  • Letting yourself be worthy of receiving support 

I absolutely loved geeking out at the convention, and it really sparked my creativity - I'm excited to go again next year. 

I can't wait to hear which lessons from today stand out. Please hit reply or message me on social media. 

You don't need to go to New York to follow your dreams, you can make it anywhere, and it's up to you! Enjoy… 

xx Denise

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