Answering your burning business questions

podcast episodes
Answering your burning business questions


Answering your burning business questions

Our four months in Europe are coming to an end - just a few more days. 

It's been an epic but challenging trip in many ways - especially for my introverted self who needs a lot of quiet and alone time.

I've missed being able to work and implement ideas. I missed my dogs and family back in Oz.

But it's been amazing to spend so much time with the kids and Mark's family - as well as catching up with friends and Lucky Bees.

Thanks to everyone who made it so special! 

I'll do a podcast episode about the trip when I'm home - anything you want to know?

For today’s episode I’ve got a final installment of our throwback series, answering some juicy business questions that you could be pondering right now including… 

  • Should you invest in high-end coaching
  • How to build a personal brand
  • How to take time off without losing income
  • Ways to avoid taking out a business loan

What big business questions are you contemplating right now? Message me @denisedt and let me know how 2023 was for you and what your goals are for the new year. 

xx Denise

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