Sacred Money Archetypes® Quiz
Unlock the code to more ease and abundance.
Discover your Money Archetype and how to leverage your strengths and make more money based on who you truly are.
*100% free personality quiz!
Already know your results? Click here.
Here’s What You Get When You
Take The Money Archetypes Quiz
- Personalized Results - Detailed scores revealing your Money Archetype profile and what it means for your life and business.
- Leverage Your Strengths Video Training - Three-part customized training on how to leverage the strengths of your Archetype to make more money.
- Leverage Your Strengths Workbook - Practical exercises to accompany the video workshop to capture your strengths, common sabotages, and money-making opportunities.
Get Instant Access to New Business Training Tailored to Your Money Archetype.

Lesson 1:
Your Money Archetype
Discover your Money Archetype and what that means for your business and income. Learn how to make more money from your natural strengths and avoid the challenges associated with your Archetype.

Lesson 2:
Your Money Sabotages
Each of the 8 Archetypes has a unique set of money challenges and common self-sabotages that will hold back your business. Learn how to avoid these pitfalls and fast-track your success without hustle or overwhelm.

Lesson 3:
Your Archetype Combination
Learn to leverage your secondary Archetypes to grow your business on your own terms. Find out how your unique combination of Archetypes may magnetize your money-making opportunities or magnify your challenges.
What Is The
Sacred Money Archetypes® quiz?
By asking you a series of insightful questions about your money habits and beliefs, the Money Archetypes Quiz will provide you with unique insight into your money opportunities and pitfalls.
You'll receive a personalized workshop outlining your Archetype and what it means for your business.

Which of the 8 Money Archetypes Are You?
The Sacred Money Archetypes® framework outlines eight different Money Archetypes, each with their own strengths and weaknesses when it comes to earning more money.
When you understand your opportunities and sabotages you can design your business to profit from your natural gifts.
Here is an overview of each of the 8 Money Archetypes;
See What Others Are Saying About The
Sacred Money Archetypes® Quiz

“I wasn't the least bit surprised that the quiz revealed I'm a Nurturer"
"...however, what I found extremely surprising was how much power I could actually cultivate if I owned that archetype. I had a perception that being a nurturer was soft, gentle… maybe a bit of a pushover. I now recognize how much it could serve me in my career - which has proven to be so true in my current roles of co-founder and COO at my company.”
Sara Crolick (Nurturer), US

"Finding out about my Connector money personality was such a revelation."
“I could suddenly see my old, unhealthy money patterns and access blocks I just couldn’t see before. I found myself spontaneously clearing out a huge amount of scarcity consciousness that was keeping me playing smaller than I needed to be.”
Sam Nolan-Smith (Connector), Australia

“I loved the idea of understanding my particular archetype with money."
"I love, love personality and archetype profiling because distinctions help us understand particulars that we are unable to identify before they are laid out before us. It also helps to understand why my particular boldness and courage is attractive to others, while also being difficult for them to actually do.”
Vanessa Horn

About Your Host
Denise Duffield-Thomas is the money mindset mentor for the new wave of online entrepreneurs who want to make money and change the world. She helps entrepreneurs like you charge premium prices, release the fear of money and create First Class lives.
Her books, courses and events have helped thousands of people all around the world. She’s a lazy introvert, a best-selling Hay House author and an unbusy mother of 3. She owns a rose farm and lives by the beach in sunny Australia.
Denise is a Ruler in Sacred Money Archetypes®.