Lucky Bitch Book

Lucky Bitch: A Guide for Exceptional Women to Create Outrageous Success


Self-made millionaire Denise Duffield-Thomas not only believes it’s possible to create outrageous success, she’s lived it! From being broke, hating her office job and generally having a life that made her completely miserable, Denise went on to travel the world and make all of her dreams come true within the space of a few years. She attracted more than half a million dollars-worth of free travel, scholarships, prizes and bank errors in her favour, and in this book she reveals how you can do the same.

Whether you’re already lucky and want to attract even more into your life, or you feel like your luck is just about to run out, Lucky Bitch will show you how to take action in areas of your life that are lacking in magic. 

With her trademark humour and encouragement, Denise gives clear and effective instructions based on the principles of the Law of Attraction to get you closer to living your dream life. You’ll also learn the ‘Ten Lucky Bitch Commandments’ and how to use them to create luck in all areas of life, including business and money.

This book has already changed the lives of tens of thousands of people. Now it has the potential to change yours. If you’ve been asking for an answer or a miracle, this book is it!


Easy to read with actionable steps

“I really enjoyed reading this book - it was just fun to read! Denise gives a good mix of personal stories and examples and actionable steps to take and journal prompts (as well as extra bonuses to help, like links to a few short videos and a mediation), and she's very real with the reader; she's not just all about "send vibes out there are you'll get it." I love how honest and real she is and her personal examples really help understand the concepts she's explaining.”
Kate Marie, reader


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Probably the best manifesting book I’ve read

“Denise never disappoints when it comes to giving practical, no-nonsense advice. In this revised edition of “Lucky Bitch”, she pulls down the curtain on all her “manifesting” tricks and, what’s best, explains WHY they work. I couldn’t recommend this and her other books enough to any woman (or man) wanting to create her (his) own version of a First Class Life.”
Elsa Razborsek

Lani O

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Lani O

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I’m well on my way to becoming a lucky bitch

“I bought this book because the title made me smile, but I didn’t think it’d have much substance. Well, I was wrong. Not only did LUCKY BITCH surprise me with great stories, honest confessions, wise advice, and practical tips, but I’m now doing the exercises detailed in it and am well on my way to becoming a lucky bitch. I’m also going to recommend this book to my friends who say they want more from their lives. Thanks for writing this book, Denise!”
Peg Cheng


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Down to earth and honest

"I am a massive fan of Denise, her books, and her courses. Down to earth, honest, and at times hilarious, DDT shows us how to create a truly exceptional life."

Rebecca Campbell, author of Light is the New Black and Rise Sister Rise

Deana S

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Deana S

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One of the world’s best teachers 

"Denise is one of the world's best teachers on the Law of Attraction. Every day she impresses me with her wisdom, business savvy, integrity, and teachings."

Leonie Dawson, author of Lessons Every Goddess Must Know and The Shining Year Workbooks

Chrissa H.

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Chrissa H.

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The ultimate money mindset mentor

"Denise is the ultimate money mindset mentor. With her systems, tools, and tricks to open up your heart and mind to receive the abundance that is your birthright, you can't fail. Everybody needs some Denise in their life."

Susie Moore, author of What if it Does Work Out?

Flossi F.

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Flossi F.

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Helps you create a more abundant life

"Denise is a refreshing voice on money mindset. She writes in a way that is easeful and humorous, and you'll feel like she's right there with you as you put her lessons to work and create a more abundant business and life."

Natalie MacNeil, author of She Takes On The World and The Conquer Kit

Flossi F.

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Flossi F.

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